Renowned British author, James Gilbraith, has released his latest novel, which offers a unique reading experience with the inclusion of an accompanying soundtrack. Titled “Anarchy Pie – fishing adventures that nurture the soul,” the book takes readers on a post-covid journey, breaking free from lockdown and embracing the fight for freedom.
Hailing from Blackburn in Lancashire, Gilbraith has crafted a narrative that revolves around a riverside treasure hunt, where individuals seek out small victories and fleeting triumphs in a world saturated with exaggerated claims. Building on the success of his previous works, “Terminal Chancer” and “Hooked On Hope,” Anarchy Pie explores the paths of warmth and friendship, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the chapters presented as movie shorts.
Comprised of twelve captivating chapters, the book unveils a tapestry of experiences, featuring larger-than-life salmon, mythical trout, witches, folklore, ghosts, Romans, formidable canines, grief, quests, and miniature worlds. Gilbraith, a father-of-two, emphasizes the value of simple pleasures within our small everyday lives, seeking to offer readers an escape from the constant deluge of negative news.
Gilbraith shared, “In a world overwhelmed by chaos, most of us reside in our own small spheres. It is often the simplest pursuits that bring us the greatest joys. Amidst an endless stream of negativity, I wanted to return to the basics and bring laughter to people’s lives.”
With Anarchy Pie, James Gilbraith presents a refreshingly innovative reading experience that combines storytelling with a curated soundtrack, enhancing the narrative’s immersion and resonance. This delightful novel offers a respite from the world’s troubles, providing readers with laughter, adventure, and a renewed appreciation for life’s simplest pleasures.