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BlogBuilding an Email Marketing List

Building an Email Marketing List

Email marketing is vital for keeping in touch with your audience and it remains one of the highest in terms of ROI too. But before any of that you’ll need to build an email list.

Building an email list takes time, but there are also a few things you can do to help build a list that’s engaged and filled with relevant and high-quality contacts.

Why Email?

If you’re a sole trader or a business that uses a digital marketing agency, it’s good to understand the ROI capabilities of email marketing. And you should get on board. With its low cost and potential for high engagement, email marketing consistently delivers a strong return on investment. Compared to traditional marketing channels, email marketing is highly cost-effective, making it great for businesses of all sizes, including startups with limited budgets.

Email also provides a very direct and personal way to communicate with your audience. You can deliver highly targeted messages right to where they are. Email platforms allow for audience segmentation, so you can tailor messages to specific groups based on their preferences, behaviour, or demographics. Personalising your emails based on a user’s behaviour just adds to the experience and building and nurturing customer relationships in this way provides a consistent touchpoint for brand interaction and engagement.

Email marketing platforms often provide detailed analytics too. This means you can track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates and conversions, providing valuable insights for optimisation. Automation allows you to schedule and automate email campaigns based on a user’s interactions or predetermined triggers.

Building the List

But before all of that you need a list. Below are some ways that can help build your list:

  • Create valuable content such as ebooks, guides or exclusive insights that incentivise visitors to subscribe. If people feel they are getting value, they’ll subscribe.
  • Webinars, free trials, or downloadable resources are also great for capturing user’s interest.
  • Ask people to subscribe by placing user-friendly and strategically located subscription forms on your website for easy sign-ups.
  • Use your social media platforms to promote subscriptions and encourage followers to join your email list.
  • Share it all. Ask current subscribers to share their emails with friends and colleagues.
  • Incorporate quizzes, surveys, or interactive content can engage and also prompt users to subscribe.
  • Provide subscribers with exclusive discounts, early access, or promotions to make subscription more appealing.
  • Collaborate with influencers or industry partners and contribute guest posts with a call-to-action for subscription.
  • Include an opt-in option during the checkout process to capture the interest of potential customers.

Getting Permission

People are digital savvy and will quickly unsubscribe if they didn’t sign up. What’s more, sending unsolicited emails is against the law since the introduction of privacy and data protection regulations. Complying with data protection regulations like GDPR and CAN-SPAM, avoids legal issues and potential fines associated with unsolicited communication. If you use a digital marketing agency they should be able to help with this. But if you’re a sole trader it’s worth understanding the basics of the regulations. In most cases, email service providers won’t send to email addresses that haven’t explicitly subscribed. So, if you don’t comply you risk getting blacklisted by your email service provider.

But getting permission goes deeper than just a regulatory requirement. It shows a respect for your audience’s privacy, establishing trust and credibility. When users willingly opt-in, they signal their interest and consent.

And by obtaining permission, you ensure that your marketing messages are reaching individuals who have expressed a genuine interest in your products or services. You don’t want to be sending to people who will never buy. Subscribers who have willingly opted in are more likely to engage with your content, open emails, and participate in promotions.

It also reduces the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam, maintaining your positive sender reputation. Email service providers want senders with good reputations.

Permission-based marketing is the foundation for building quality, long-term relationships with your audience. It helps you to nurture leads, provide value and turn subscribers into loyal customers.

Final Thoughts

Building a good email marketing list is not just about quantity but about quality and engagement. By implementing a combination of good content offers, relevance and website sign-up forms, you can create a foundation for email list growth. Get permission and you’ll build trust as well as being compliant with regulations.

It’s an ongoing process that requires adaptability and a good understanding of your audience. With a little thought you can create a dynamic and responsive email subscriber base which becomes a powerful asset that drives engagement, loyalty, and supports your business’s success.

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