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AIManchester-Based Video Production Experts Caution Against the Costs of AI Adoption

Manchester-Based Video Production Experts Caution Against the Costs of AI Adoption

A video production company based in Manchester is issuing a warning to businesses considering the use of generative AI in their branding videos, highlighting significant concerns.

With AI dominating recent headlines, particularly since Open AI introduced their chatbot, ChatGPT, in November 2022, the web is now witnessing the emergence of various advanced AI tools, with varying degrees of usefulness.

The creative industry, including major players like Adobe, has not been immune to the allure of generative AI tools that claim to create original and engaging content from minimal input. Adobe’s recently unveiled “revolutionary” Firefly Software has added fuel to the AI fire, promising to disrupt the field of video production.

However, video production experts at Eight Engines are challenging the influx of AI in the industry.

“While AI is undoubtedly an exciting development with numerous applications, it cannot replace human creativity or evoke genuine emotion. Emotion is the driving force behind sales, brand perception, and audience reactions. This is precisely why video marketing delivers such impressive returns on investment,” emphasised Jack, the director of the company and an expert in video production in Manchester.

In fact, a report by the University of Southern California underscores the significance of emotion in video production. According to the research, emotional video advertisements achieve a success rate of 31%, while rational content only yields a 16% purchase rate.

Emotion plays a critical role in effective video production, as the most memorable videos elicit strong emotional responses from viewers. Unfortunately, AI currently falls short in conveying emotions, at least in a meaningful way.

Existing AI tools, including ChatGPT, struggle to fully comprehend human emotions, resulting in output that appears cold, devoid of feeling, and, well… robotic.

Eight Engines also draws attention to the lack of originality inherent in AI-driven video production.

“AI-generated videos lack originality and quality. Tools like DALL.E require expert human input to generate anything remotely realistic. More often than not, the resulting videos appear jerky and resemble flip-books rather than high-quality, handcrafted productions. AI still has a long way to go before it can compete with the creativity and artistry of human-made videos.”

Indeed, AI is incapable of producing truly original content. It is trained on countless examples of art created by humans, merely reimaging these existing pieces. Consequently, AI-produced videos lack inspiration and fail to captivate viewers.

For now, it seems that incorporating AI into video production may not be the optimal choice.

However, there is a viable solution.

Eight Engines specialises in providing genuine, high-quality video production in Manchester and the surrounding areas. Their friendly team excels at developing original ideas and delivering them to the highest standards, ensuring that branding accurately reflects each company’s unique identity.

Sam Allcock
Sam Allcock
With over 20 years of experience in the field SEO and digital marketing, Sam Allcock is a highly regarded entrepreneur. He is based in Cheshire but has an interest in all things going on in the North West and enjoys contributing local news to the site.
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