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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Food and DrinkTastecard notes a peak in interest in eating out following the easing...

Tastecard notes a peak in interest in eating out following the easing of the pandemic

Tastecard offers restaurant diners discounts on a wide range of days and nights out, from big chains to local independents. Following the easing of the pandemic, they’ve seen a big revival from their clients who are seeking new locations. In fact, their online searches are higher than ever which shows that UK diners still love a night out and the pandemic hasn’t dampened people’s mood, we still need a treat and a delicious meal!

Term Cuisine Specific:

Italian restaurant near me | Online searches April 2019 – 18,689 | Online searches April 2020 – 3,768 | Online searches April 2021 – 8,711 | Online searches April 2022 – 38,137

Chinese restaurant near me | Online searches April 2019 – 60,124 | Online searches April 2020 – 28,861 | Online searches April 2021 – 27,492 | Online searches April 2022 – 79,111

Indian restaurant near me | Online searches April 2019 – 113,532 | Online searches April 2020 – 34,120 | Online searches April 2021 – 69,204 | Online searches April 2022 – 236,794

Spanish restaurant near me | Online searches April 2019 – 2,967 | Online searches April 2020 – 298 | Online searches April 2021 – 3,362 | Online searches April 2022 – 7,005

French restaurant near me | Online searches April 2019 – 3,493 | Online searches April 2020 – 577 | Online searches April 2021 – 2,207 | Online searches April 2022 – 5,823

Japanese restaurant near me | Online searches April 2019 – 11,414 | Online searches April 2020 – 2,547 | Online searches April 2021 – 10,960 | Online searches April 2022 – 25,356

Vegan restaurant near me | Online searches April 2019 – 3,130 | Online searches April 2020 – 229 | Online searches April 2021 – 2,096 | Online searches April 2022 – 3,365

Expert quotes:

Information from the experts: Palm, Chester

With numerous lockdowns, have you seen a boom of people eating out? Has it continued into 2022?

After each lockdown the rise in people eating out increased enormously however since the beginning of this year we have seen a dramatic decrease from year on year and pre-pandemic of people eating out.

Do people have more worries when it comes to eating out?

100%! People have more thought about how and where they are spending their money and making sure they are getting value for their spend.

Are you seeing more mid-week bookings? Weekends?

Weekends continue to be busy for us however outside of any school holidays the mid-weeks are not as busy.

Do you have more pre-bookings (rather than walk-ins) compared to pre pandemic?

We definitely are taking more bookings in advance than pre-pandemic; I think people are planning more now and again are keen to book places they feel their spend is appreciated.

Sam Allcock
Sam Allcock
With over 20 years of experience in the field SEO and digital marketing, Sam Allcock is a highly regarded entrepreneur. He is based in Cheshire but has an interest in all things going on in the North West and enjoys contributing local news to the site.
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