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Thursday, February 13, 2025
Business supportNew programme to create powerful network by connecting Greater Manchester’s key employers...

New programme to create powerful network by connecting Greater Manchester’s key employers to region’s world class expertise

GC Business Growth Hub has launched a new programme to supercharge Greater Manchester’s large employers by helping them to unlock their productivity growth.

Working with companies with more than 250 employees, the Hub’s dedicated large company programme – Catalyst – will provide large companies with access to Greater Manchester’s business ecosystem and networks, including start-ups, SMEs and venture community/third sector organisations as well as national government bodies.

The aim of Catalyst is to help further strengthen the key employers within the region while promoting inclusive growth for all.

Greater Manchester’s large employers are an intrinsic part of the region’s long-term development plans and ambitions, and of vital importance to its future success.

By harnessing the power of Greater Manchester, Catalyst aims to evoke positive change across the region, enabling growth, creating jobs, and improving lives by combining the strength of business with local intelligence and networks.

With unrivalled regional knowledge and a wealth of commercial expertise, the Hub’s dedicated Key Account Managers will gain an in-depth understanding of business’ focus and objectives, before connecting companies to its extensive network and resources.

Working from a bespoke action plan which is tailored to each individual business, the Key Account Management team will introduce firms to industry experts, SME businesses, third sector organisations and a suite of professional services that will take businesses to the next level.

This will include helping to solve supply chain challenges and diversification of core products to corporate venturing opportunities and innovation strategy. Catalyst will act as the conduit to create local collaborations and partnerships that increase resilience, boost productivity levels and drive inclusive, ethical and sustainable growth, whilst realising the ambitions of the region.

The programme addresses the region’s need to close its productivity gap with the rest of the UK and to ensure that all parts of the city region can contribute to and benefit from localised economic growth.

With Catalyst, not only does it benefit large companies directly, but it also recognises the important role they play in shaping the future of the region.

Employers will also have the opportunity to engage with more CSR focused activities from supporting the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter or the gifting of the apprenticeship levy to smaller businesses encouraging the growth of valuable apprenticeship options.

Catalyst’s six service areas include: Leadership Development, Commercial Excellence, Operational Efficiency, Talent Management, Planning for the Future, and Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance.

Lynne Gillen, Key Account Management Lead for GC Business Growth Hub, said: “This is an exciting time for the Growth Company as we work towards closing Greater Manchester’s productivity gap with the rest of the UK and ensuring that all parts of the city region can contribute to and benefit from, economic growth.

“Working closely with Key Account Managers under the Catalyst programme, we can help large firms develop successful, long-term, strategic relationships with local authorities, national government bodies and the wider Greater Manchester ecosystem, ensuring their strategy aligns with important initiatives in Greater Manchester and beyond.”

To work effectively with GM’s large company community, Catalyst also comprises a partnership working group which includes large businesses from sectors including manufacturing, hospitality, travel, construction, professional services, telecommunications, healthcare, ecommerce, and logistics.

The partnership will meet quarterly to discuss challenges and opportunities that they are facing and how alongside the Hub, they can work together to successfully overcome any barriers.

Sallyann Betts, Head of Account Management and Client Engagement at GC Business Growth Hub, said: “Greater Manchester is home to dynamic and diverse large companies working across a number of key sectors.

“At this time of uncertainty, it is more important than ever to work with those companies and organisations that are growing their businesses, creating jobs and prosperity and attracting investment into the area.

“By working with them through our new programme – Catalyst – we can ensure they are getting the best possible support as they strive for further growth.”

Graham Richards, Brand Director at Ronhill, HILLY, Altra UK part of OSC Running, added: “I was made aware of the different services and support available to larger organisations through our Key Account Manager Eleri Roberts, who identified areas that would help us including; mentoring, working with local schools and mental health and wellbeing initiatives.

“Considering the impact of the ongoing pandemic, we found the Growth Company initiatives alongside the webinars we attended to be both valuable and enlightening and we look forward to working with the Catalyst team going forward.”

To sign up and for more information about Catalyst visit www.businessgrowthhub.com/catalyst

Eligibility Criteria: UK owned businesses who have a minimum of 250 employees and a turnover of €50 million.

To access expert support, funding and tailored resources, email [email protected] or visit www.businessgrowthhub.com for more information about the organisation’s extensive range of services.

This and other GC Business Growth Hub projects are part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of a project designed to help ambitious SME businesses achieve growth and increase employment in Greater Manchester. The Hub is also supported by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Greater Manchester local authorities.

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