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BusinessLexxic Presents: "Take Action, Make Impact: Crafting a Neuro-Inclusive Workplace" to Commemorate...

Lexxic Presents: “Take Action, Make Impact: Crafting a Neuro-Inclusive Workplace” to Commemorate National Inclusion Week

Lexxic, a pioneering consultancy championing neurodiversity, is set to host an enlightening webinar on September 27, 2023, from 12pm to 1pm, coinciding with National Inclusion Week. This event aligns with Lexxic’s mission to assist businesses in cultivating diverse and neuro-inclusive work environments. National Inclusion Week, established by Inclusive Employers, honours inclusion while spotlighting the imperative for diverse workplaces.

Under the theme “Take Action, Make Impact,” this year’s initiative prompts individuals and entities to contemplate actions that can drive positive change in the lives of others. National Inclusion Week underscores the significance of fostering an atmosphere where every individual’s distinct perspective is cherished and integrated.

With an estimated 1 in 7 individuals in the UK and Ireland identifying with a neurodivergent trait, a growing awareness about inclusivity is evident. Lexxic acknowledges the necessity for businesses to establish a corporate culture that embraces diverse minds, ensuring a sense of belonging for neurodivergent individuals.

Lexxic’s forthcoming webinar, titled “How to Foster a Neuro-Inclusive Culture at Work,” will furnish attendees with practical insights for crafting a culture of neuro-inclusion that permeates the entire employee journey.

The interactive session will delve into defining neuro-inclusion’s pivotal role in shaping an organisational culture, offering strategies to kick-start and advance the journey towards neuro-inclusion, showcasing the myriad benefits of nurturing a neuro-inclusive environment, including its impact on neurodivergent individuals. Furthermore, the webinar will spotlight Lexxic’s proficiency in guiding organisations towards achieving neuro-inclusion.

Attendees will actively participate in the discourse, posing queries to the host and neurodiversity experts during the interactive webinar.

“At Lexxic, we firmly believe that genuine progress towards a more inclusive world originates within the confines of every workplace,” remarked Brooke Elias, Director of Marketing and Communication at Lexxic.

“Our webinar aims to arm organisations with knowledge and strategies to embrace neurodiversity, establishing an environment where every mind finds its place.”

This enlightening event is poised to mark a significant stride in advancing workplace inclusivity. For comprehensive details and registration, please visit Take Action, Make Impact: How to Create a Neuro-inclusive Culture at Work (lexxic.com).

Sam Allcock
Sam Allcock
With over 20 years of experience in the field SEO and digital marketing, Sam Allcock is a highly regarded entrepreneur. He is based in Cheshire but has an interest in all things going on in the North West and enjoys contributing local news to the site.
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