12.1 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024
TrainingA fully-funded programme tailored to help digital, creative and tech companies stabilise,...

A fully-funded programme tailored to help digital, creative and tech companies stabilise, adapt and grow.

You need to adapt. We need to adapt. Let’s adapt together.

Running a digital, creative or tech business right now isn’t easy. With so much uncertainty around, its easy to be overwhelmed trying to figure out the next step. The market demands adaptation, and fast.

We’ve already adapted our services – why we help you adapt yours? Specifically designed and delivered by industry experts who’ve got the battle scars from previous tough times, Greater Connected gives you the time, skills and space you need to re-focus, and take practical steps to stabilise, adapt, and grow.

And best of all, right now, we’re delivering it all online.

To check if your business is eligible for this fully funded programme click here.


What do you get from the programme?
Virtual learning days

In two online learning days spread across five weeks, we’ll give you the tools you need to stabilise and adapt your business, so that you can move beyond survival to growth. Under our advisors tuition, you’ll gain clarity on your route forward.

Small group coaching

Through strategic online sessions with your own growth advisor, we’ll work with you on your bespoke journey. You’ll develop and implement a tailored plan that will allow your business to come out of these tough times fighting.

Ongoing community

As a Greater Connected alumnus, you’ll remain connected to a wide network of fellow leaders. That not only means continued invitations to events and skill-shares, but ongoing opportunities to partner and grow together. After all, community and collaboration is more important than ever right now.

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