12.1 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Business supportThe Sheriffs Office will be holding a complimentary, CPD registered webinar

The Sheriffs Office will be holding a complimentary, CPD registered webinar

Chasing up late payments has become a regular chore for many businesses in England & Wales, with even the best customers sometimes creating problems.

The cause for concern can become even greater for you and your business when outstanding debts owed to you run the risk of jeopardising the future success you have worked so hard to achieve!

Many businesses are now turning to the most efficient way of recovering their debt, through the means of High Court Enforcement agencies who work quickly and safely to ensure you get your money back before it is too late.

One such agency, The Sheriffs Office, have a fantastic track record in all matters relating to enforcement. The stars of the hit BBC television show “The Sheriffs are Coming” cover the whole of England and Wales, working early mornings and late nights to give you the highest chance of success in recovering your debt.

However, it is understood that the complexities of the courts and legal system can often leave businesses frustrated as they try to navigate their way to a successful resolution.

The Sheriffs Office will be holding a complimentary, CPD registered webinar on 13th June on High Court Enforcement for Businesses at 12:30 – 1:30.

They will guide you through the stages prior to obtaining a writ, as well as the enforcement process itself to alleviate any questions you may have. If you still have questions, a Q&A session will be held at the end where you can seek further clarification on any matter discussed.

To sign up for the webinar, click on the image below where you will be redirected to sign-up.

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