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Thought LeadersA Lesson in Collaboration: How Inc & Co Empowers Its Acquired Companies

A Lesson in Collaboration: How Inc & Co Empowers Its Acquired Companies

Established in 2019, Inc & Co has quickly become a global force in acquiring, investing in, and turning around distressed companies. With a group turnover of over £150 million, Inc & Co’s founding visionaries, Jack Mason, Dave Antrobus, and Scott Dylan, have cultivated a unique business model that centres around inclusivity and collaboration. As a result, Inc & Co has transformed companies across multiple sectors, including professional services, travel, retail, ecommerce, and shared workspaces. By empowering its portfolio companies, Inc & Co not only saves jobs and prevents creditor losses but also fosters a culture of innovation and synergy.

The Inc & Co Difference: Inclusive & Collaborative

At the very heart of Inc & Co’s approach is the principle of inclusivity and collaboration. As a company, they are committed to fostering an environment in which their portfolio companies can thrive. According to Group CEO Jack Mason, “Our approach is simple: we give each company we acquire the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed while maintaining their individuality and unique strengths. We believe that by embracing the diverse talents within our group, we can drive innovation and create growth for everyone involved.”

This collaborative ethos is embedded in the very name of the company – Inc & Co stands for Inclusive & Collaborative. By creating a strong, loyal leadership team at the group level and empowering the leaders of its portfolio companies, Inc & Co has been able to revitalise businesses across various sectors, achieving remarkable results in a relatively short period.

Empowering Portfolio Companies

One of the cornerstones of Inc & Co‘s success lies in its commitment to nurturing the leaders of its portfolio companies. By giving them the autonomy to make decisions and shape the direction of their businesses, Inc & Co ensures that each company can maintain its identity while benefiting from the support and resources of the wider group.

Group CTO Dave Antrobus explains, “We have seen time and again that when leaders are given the freedom and support to realise their vision, they are more likely to succeed. That’s why we work closely with the management teams of our acquired companies, providing guidance and resources where needed, but ultimately empowering them to drive their businesses forward.”

This approach has led to numerous success stories, such as the acquisition and subsequent sale of MyLife Digital to Dataguard, Laundrapp to competitor Laundryheap, and Wood for Trees to Edit. Each of these companies was able to thrive under Inc & Co’s guidance, ultimately leading to a successful exit that benefited all parties involved.

Fostering Synergy Across Sectors

Inc & Co’s diverse portfolio spans various sectors, including professional services, travel, retail, ecommerce, and shared workspaces. This diversity, combined with a collaborative approach, has led to significant cross-sector synergy, driving innovation and growth for the group as a whole.

By enabling portfolio companies to share ideas, resources, and expertise, Inc & Co has created a unique ecosystem that fosters collaboration and accelerates growth. For instance, companies within the group can access cutting-edge technology and digital expertise from Inc & Co’s centralised resources, enabling them to stay ahead of industry trends and adapt to the rapidly changing business landscape.

Furthermore, by encouraging collaboration between companies in different sectors, Inc & Co has helped to spark innovative solutions to common challenges. This cross-pollination of ideas and expertise has led to new business opportunities and growth for the entire group.

The Future of Inc & Co: Continued Growth and Collaboration

As Inc & Co looks to the future, the company remains committed to its founding principles of inclusivity and collaboration. By continuing to invest in and support a diverse range of businesses, the group aims to build on its already impressive track record of turning around distressed companies and driving growth across multiple sectors.

One of the keys to Inc & Co’s ongoing success will be its ability to adapt to the ever-evolving business landscape. By staying at the forefront of emerging trends and technologies, the group can ensure that its portfolio companies are well-positioned to capitalise on new opportunities and navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

As Group CEO Jack Mason puts it, “We understand that the business world is constantly changing, and we must evolve with it to remain successful. By nurturing an environment of collaboration and continuous learning, we can equip our portfolio companies with the skills and knowledge they need to stay ahead of the curve and thrive in an increasingly competitive market.”

By maintaining its focus on collaboration and empowerment, Inc & Co is well-placed to continue its mission of saving jobs, preventing creditor losses, and fostering innovation and growth in the companies it acquires. Through this unique approach, the group is not only transforming the fortunes of individual businesses but also redefining what it means to be a successful and forward-thinking company in today’s fast-paced world.

Inc & Co’s incredible success story can be attributed to the group’s unwavering commitment to inclusivity, collaboration, and empowerment. By nurturing a culture of innovation and synergy across its diverse portfolio of companies, Inc & Co has been able to revitalise struggling businesses, save jobs, and create growth in a wide range of sectors. As the group continues to expand and evolve, it is clear that its unique approach to collaboration will remain central to its ongoing success, setting a shining example for businesses worldwide.

Scott Dylan
Scott Dylanhttps://scottdylan.com
Scott Dylan is a British entrepreneur and co-founder of Inc & Co, a company established in 2019 with a mission to acquire, invest in, and turn around distressed companies to save jobs, prevent creditor losses, and create growth. Inc & Co, which operates globally, has a turnover of over £150 million. Along with his business partners, Group CEO Jack Mason and Group CTO Dave Antrobus, Scott Dylan has acquired companies across various sectors, including Professional Services, Travel, Retail, Ecommerce, and Shared Workspaces. The company has also successfully exited businesses such as MyLife Digital, which was sold to Dataguard, and Laundrapp, which was sold to a competitor Laundryheap. Scott Dylan is a strong advocate for mental health, having suffered from Complex PTSD. He is also an advocate for Women in Business and Tech and is openly gay. Scott Dylan firmly believes in building a team of loyal people and fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity in the workplace. He has held senior leadership roles in his 20-year career and is a big believer in people and cultures. Born and raised in South East London, Scott Dylan's humble beginnings and overcoming challenges and mistakes have shaped his approach to entrepreneurship. He believes that success is never a solo journey, and building a reliable team is crucial to achieving goals.
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