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FinanceFive Firms Empowering the Youth with Financial Literacy Skills

Five Firms Empowering the Youth with Financial Literacy Skills

The latest figures from the Department for Education Official Statistics place the average graduate salary in the UK at £38,500.

Despite this, the rapid increase in living expenses has led to a startling reality where nearly half (47%) of Britons aged 18-35 are without any form of savings, as highlighted by insights from Gen Z specialist Prograd.

Such a scenario renders numerous young individuals across the UK susceptible to financial emergencies.

In response, a wave of UK-based companies have taken the initiative to enhance financial literacy among the younger generations, making the concept of personal finance both accessible and stimulating.

Let’s delve into the details:

  1. Prograd

Prograd is a financial literacy platform dedicated to guiding young professionals through the complex world of personal finance.

With an emphasis on practical advice and real job opportunities to help earn more money, Prograd’s platform has a whole host of resources tailored to the unique financial challenges faced by young people.

From saving for their first home or learning how to make money from home, the platform serves as a guide for those looking to make informed financial decisions early in their careers.

  1. Doshi

Doshi makes its mark by fusing financial education with the element of gamification.

Via its captivating app, participants can engage in gamified educational experiences and contests, exploring fundamental financial activities like starting savings accounts and the detailed process of buying a house.

Doshi’s goal is to simplify financial education, making it an engaging and accessible journey for individuals across all age brackets, thereby facilitating a path to financial self-reliance.

  1. Your Juno

With a focus on diminishing the financial literacy gender gap, Your Juno tailors its financial advice to women and non-binary individuals.

Established by Margot and Alexia in the midst of the pandemic, Your Juno meets the distinct financial literacy requirements of its audience through various stages of life. The platform aims to embed financial knowledge and confidence, empowering users to follow their dreams and improve their financial health with a profound sense of independence and self-determination.

  1. MoneyWhizz

MoneyWhizz stands out for its all-encompassing approach to financial education, aimed at the youth and educational bodies across the UK.

Offering workshops, digital tools, and access to financial experts, MoneyWhizz provides young learners with the necessary instruments to comprehend and manage their finances with competence. The platform addresses a wide array of topics, from fundamental budgeting to complex investment tactics, all intended to cultivate financial prudence from a young age.

  1. FinLit

FinLit’s mission is to transform personal finance education through the power of technology.

This platform features numerous online courses and resources engineered to clarify financial concepts for young adults. Whether dealing with tax navigation, credit score understanding, or retirement planning, FinLit’s approachable content and intuitive website make learning about finances an empowering venture for the digital-native generation.

These five firms are at the vanguard of promoting enhanced financial literacy among young people.

Through the use of technology, inclusivity, and innovative educational methods, they not only educate but also inspire a new generation to take command of their financial futures.

Sam Allcock
Sam Allcock
With over 20 years of experience in the field SEO and digital marketing, Sam Allcock is a highly regarded entrepreneur. He is based in Cheshire but has an interest in all things going on in the North West and enjoys contributing local news to the site.
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